Sustainable development

Occupational health and safety policy

Dinit operates its business sustainably and with a long-term focus, recognizing our responsibility to colleagues and society. Therefore, we are committed to ensuring safe and healthy workplaces, preventing work-related injuries and health impairments and continuously improving the implementation of health and safety at work. This contributes to our goal of improving the quality of life.

Principles of our Occupational Health and Safety Policy:

Management commitment

We are committed to the requirements of the occupational health and safety management system and its continuous improvement.

Legal compliance

We monitor and strictly comply with all relevant legislation in the field of occupational health and safety and the employment relationship act.


We integrate occupational health and safety into all business processes.

Accident prevention

We implement a systematic approach to prevent accidents, work-related injuries, health impairments and mitigate risks to employee health.

Safe work environment

We provide appropriate work equipment, resources and personal protective equipment to create a safe and friendly working environment.

Employee education

We offer theoretical and practical education about safe work, workplace hazards, risks, safety measures, duties and responsibilities for ensuring safety and health at work.

Employee consultation

We maintain ongoing consultation processes with employees and encourage their collaboration in improving the occupational health and safety system.

Work environment improvement

We continuously improve the work environment as part of our annual occupational health and safety planning.

Employee health

We employ only workers who meet the health requirements for their specific work and conduct periodic health checks.

Environmental policy

Dinit d.o.o. prioritizes sustainability and a long-term perspective in its business operations. Recognizing our responsibility to colleagues and society, we are committed to environmental protection. This commitment allows us to contribute to improving the quality of life and preserving natural resources.

Principles of our Environmental Policy:

Management Commitment

We are committed to the requirements of the environmental management system and its continuous improvement.

Legal Compliance

We monitor and strictly comply with all relevant environmental legislation related to the company’s activities.

Environmental Integration

We integrate environmentally friendly practices into all business processes.

Energy Efficiency

We encourage the efficient use of energy resources.

Pollution Prevention

We adopt measures to prevent pollution.

Emergency Preparedness

We limit the risks of emergency events and improve procedures for responding to them.

Employee Engagement

We encourage responsible and environmentally conscious behaviour through employee education, awareness raising and information sharing.

Waste Reduction

We are committed to minimizing waste generation and responsible waste management.

Resource Allocation

We ensure sufficient resources for the implementation of the environmental policy.

Continuous Improvement

We regularly monitor our environmental impact and implement corrective measures.

Code of conduct

While conducting its business, company Dinit d.o.o. operates sustainably and long term orientated. In doing so, we are aware of our responsibility towards the employees, the environment and society, therefore, we have committed to comply with ethical and socially responsible practices in all our business activities, and we expect the same commitment in achieving these goals from our employees, suppliers and business partners.

Having this in mind we have developed this code of conduct, with which we want to emphasize our responsibility towards people and the environment and to ensure that our behaviour and the behaviour of our employees, suppliers and business partners is ethically correct, ecologically sustainable and socially responsible.

We expect that our business partners and suppliers act in accordance with the same principles, procedures and standards while demonstrating the same degree of responsibility, care and ethical behaviour.

Code of conduct applies to all employees, suppliers and business partners of the company Dinit d.o.o. Code ensures compliance with applicable laws, regulations and international guidelines in the area of ethical conduct, social responsibility and prevention of illegal activities such as money laundering and terrorism financing.


In the company Dinit d.o.o. we believe that creativity, cooperation and care are core values, integrated in all of our business processes and into our customer relationships.

  • We create icon We create
  • We collaborate icon We collaborate
  • We care icon We care

In addition to core values, diversity, constant improvement, sustainable development, ethical behaviour, preservation of the nature, social responsibility and prevention of illegal activities are essential for our business success.

Dinit d.o.o. wishes to protect its reputation with healthy and prudent operations in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and the values of civil society.

Due to the fact that sustainable development is one of the core values of our company, this code is one of the key guidelines for employees, suppliers and business partners, aiming to achieve their awareness and compliance with our sustainable beliefs and values.

Ethical business practices

In the company Dinit d.o.o. we are aware that fairness, reliability and compliance with laws are key for our success. Our employees, suppliers and business partners have to act in accordance with our ethical principles and laws at all times.

Fairness and integrity

The company Dinit d.o.o. undertakes to act fair, without fraud, deception and other dishonest practices in all of its business practices. This includes fair treatment of employees, customers and business partners.

Compliance with laws and regulations

Employees, suppliers and business partners must strictly observe all applicable laws, regulations and standards relevant for their business conduct.

Prevention of corruption

The company has adopted appropriate measures for prevention of corruption by the employees as well as in the dealings with suppliers and business partners.

Prevention of money laundering and terrorism financing

Company Dinit d.o.o. is aware of the importance of prevention of money laundering and terrorism financing. Despite the fact that the company is not directly bound by the legal requirements in this area, we expect all employees, suppliers and business partners to respect the following guidelines:

  • Undertaking to comply with laws and good practices: all persons connected with our company should be aware of and comply with national and international rules regarding prevention of money laundering and terrorism financing.
  • Know your customer: in the company Dinit d.o.o. we have clearly determined principles and procedures for acceptance of new partners, which include guidelines for collection of the key information and performance of a complete risk assessment. This approach ensures that all business relationships are formed in accordance with high standards of compliance and business accountability while respecting necessary checks and risks related to new partners.
  • Monitoring and reporting of suspicious activities: employees, suppliers and business partners have to monitor business conduct and report potential suspicious activities.

Avoiding conflict of interest

Employees, suppliers and business partners must act in accordance with the interest of Dinit d.o.o. and avoid conflict with personal, business or other interests.

Protection of data and confidential information

Company Dinit d.o.o. undertakes to protect all personal, financial and other confidential data obtained in the course of its business activities, which includes processing of the card payment transactions. We are aware that protection of data is of a key importance for preserving the trust of our customers, business partners and users.

All collected data is treated with the highest degree of security and in accordance with the applicable legal requirements, e.g. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), rules of the PCI DSS standard and other applicable regulations regarding protection of personal and confidential data.

Employees, suppliers and business partners have the responsibility to ensure that confidential information is processed in secured way, without unauthorised access, disclosure or misuse. Use of such information is allowed only in cases when this is required for performance of our obligations towards our customers or business partners and in accordance with the laws and agreements concluded with our business partners.

Company Dinit d.o.o. implements appropriate technical and organisational measures for protection of data and ensures compliance with all regulations regarding security of data, including regular monitoring, risk assessment and improvements in this area.

While conducting its business, Company Dinit d.o.o. ensures security of its own network and information systems and controls information and communication technology risks in accordance with good practices and applicable regulations. We expect the same approach also from our employees, suppliers and partners as we can achieve set objectives only with a unified approach.

Social responsibility

Company Dinit d.o.o. believes that everyone has to feel appreciated, have a sense of belonging, be treated equally and has to enjoy the freedom to be who they are.

Our suppliers and business partners must also be committed to these principles and endeavour to support and improve them.

Human rights and rights of the employees

Company Dinit d.o.o. firmly opposes breaches of human rights, including child labour, forced labour, elder abuse, slavery and human trafficking. We expect that our suppliers and business partners support and respect protection of human rights and ensure that they are not in any way involved in abuse of human rights.

Prevention of discrimination and harassment

Suppliers and business partners must provide a safe working environment for their employees and comply with all laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, colour, national origin, sex, sexual identity and orientation, disability, protected veteran status, religion, age or any other characteristic protected by law or other regulation. Violence at the workplace, threats, harassment or any type of discrimination are not acceptable.

Diversity, equality and inclusivity

Different views and experiences make us stronger and better prepared to support our employees, customers and community in achieving brighter future. As we value diverse employees and diverse network of suppliers and business partners, we wish to cooperate with suppliers and business partners who include diversity in their recruitment and ordering practices.

Environmental awareness

We understand our responsibility as a company therefore, we respond to initiatives in our community and contribute to its development at various levels. Every contribution is important, which is why in company Dinit d.o.o. we endeavour for responsible environmental practices. We examine potential environmental impacts, including opportunities to conserve natural resources, to limit resource exploitation and to control pollution. The company Dinit d.o.o. expects its suppliers and business partners to act in the same way and treat the environment responsibly.

Final provisions

Employees, suppliers and business partners are crucial for the business of the company Dinit d.o.o. and we expect them to act strictly in accordance with this code of conduct. For this purpose, we perform regular reviews to ensure compliance with ethical standards and regulations. In case of non-compliance the company will take appropriate steps, which include:

  • Review of the incompliant matters: each identified incompliance will be addressed in accordance with the internal procedures of the company, which may include warnings, educational measures or termination of the cooperation.
  • Review and audits: we will perform regular internal and external audits for monitoring of compliance and ensuring that all key stakeholders respect legal and ethical requirements.